silver Oak College of Engineering & Technology is a premier institute of Ahmedabad, known for its high standards in teaching and research and attracts eminent scholars to its faculty. It was established in 2009 and ever since its inception, a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and research has made the Institute a role-model and path-setter for other Institutes as well. Our four year long program utilizes the wealth of innovation and knowledge to create new and enriching professional and personal pathways for the next stage of life. At present, there are 5 academic departments with more than 4000 students . Students are regularly motivated and guided to face global challenges and so certain students have been registered and also participated in SAE BAJA , S4 Extension centre and BISAG setup.
I'm very pleased commodo gravida ultrices. Sed massa leo, aliquet non velit eu, volutpat vulputate odio. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse porttitor metus eros, ut fringilla nulla auctor a. -Parth Modi |
I'm very pleased commodo gravida ultrices. Sed massa leo, aliquet non velit eu, volutpat vulputate odio. Inter dum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse porttitor metus eros, ut fringilla nulla auctor a. -Parth Modi |
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